I Year Induction Programme

  • Introduction
  • Feedback



The strength of our relationship with the students is our ability to gauge their strengths and weaknesses. Orientation Programme conducted at the beginning of the academic year is an effort on our part to fill-in the chasm that exists between the shared knowledge of students at the entry-level and the course requirements.

It is observed that NCERT syllabus as it is about 20-30% vaster than the previous state board syllabus. While those who have studied ICSE or CBSE in school are not much affected, but those from the State syllabus may find it difficult. Induction programme helps students to open up, think creatively and become responsible and independent students.

Induction programme for newly admitted students is conducted in line with AICTE/UGC Induction programme policy, every year before the commencement of the first semester classes. The objective of the Induction programme is to demystify what is expected of students in Intermediate level and to provide adequate foundation in the core applied science subjects and English limited to moderate level so that students do not face any difficulty when the classes commence.

The syllabus for the course is framed in such a way that equal importance is given to both Engineering discipline and personality development which includes soft skills, sports and cultural Activities. The duration of the induction programme is THREE weeks. The students are trained in Foundation courses, basics of programming and English apart from other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Syllabus for Mathematics includes concepts learnt at the intermediate level and also additional concepts which are essential prerequisites for engineering course. Orientation to Computers is aimed at familiarizing the students with use of computer and the fundamentals of programming languages and thereby enabling them to write small programmes in C language which is a part of I year curriculum for all branches.

The module on English is aimed at making the students better articulate in English thereby increasing their comprehension level and self-confidence. The sessions in the afternoon will be on soft skills, Sports and cultural activities. Eminent personalities from academia and industry, personality development trainers, and other noted speakers from institute such as Ramakrishna Mission are invited to give lectures to the students.

The sessions also include ice breakers, Sports and Cultural Activities for all round development. During this interaction of few days with the faculty, the students will come out of their hesitation and it will be the best platform for the students to interact with the faculty members, making it responsible for them to build strong relationships with faculty, advisers and other students. This programme has been conducted for the last three years for our students. The statistics show that, there is a gradual improvement of more than 20-30% in the overall performance of the students. Their parents have also deeply appreciated.

This induction programme will help the students to have a smooth transition to the Engineering course. The sound grasp of the fundamentals of the engineering subjects lays the strong foundation for the entire four-year programme. Our experience has shown that students who underwent the induction classes have fared extremely well in Examinations. Also, the students who have attended the bridge course in the previous years have appreciated the initiative usefulness.

The objective of the Induction Programme is to work closely with the newly joined students in order to facilitate the following:

  • Make the students feel comfortable in the new environment
  • Allow them to explore their academic interests and activities
  • Reduce competition and make them work for excellence
  • Promote bonding within them
  • Build relations between teachers and students
  • Give a broader view of life
  • Build character
  • Awareness about ICC, Anti Ragging & Grievances
  • Code of Conduct

At the start of the induction, the incumbents learn about the institutional policies, processes, practices, culture and values, familiarization to the respective branch/stream.

In the Orientation Program on Day 1, the Principal, Deans, and other college functionaries address and welcome the new students along with their parents. It serves to provide space for telling the new students about the college, and their academic and student life.

Day 1 09:00 am - 11:00 am Academic registration
Day 1 11:00 am – 1.00 pm Orientation: Principal
Day 1 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch Break
Day 1 2:00 pm – 3.30 pm Interaction with the Students/Parents/Guardians

After the first day is the start of the Regular Phase of induction. In this phase, there would be regular sessions conducted every day. Some of the activities are on a daily basis, while some others are at specified periods within the Induction Program. Induction programme is conducted on five days of the week, from 8.20 am to 12:00 noon (Pre-lunch session) and 1:05 pm to 2:55 pm (post-lunch session) every day. Lecture classes shall be conducted in the pre-lunch session and lab classes shall be conducted in the post-lunch session.

Regular SIP Module 1: Universal Human Values I (UHV I) 22 hrs
Regular SIP Module 2: Physical Health and Related Activities 51 hrs
Non-Daily SIP Module 4: Visit to a Local Area 10 hrs
Non Daily SIP Module 5: Lectures by Eminent People 6 hrs
Regular SIP Module 6: Proficiency Modules (English) 6 hrs
Regular SIP Module 7: Literature / Literary Activities 30 hrs
Non Daily SIP Module 8: Creative Arts 49 hrs
Non Daily SIP Module 9: Extra Curricular Activities 6 hrs


SIP Module 1: Universal Human Values I (UHV I) 22 hours

The course is designed with the purpose of helping students in developing a holistic perspective about life. The teaching methodology adopted is self-reflective in nature and encourages dialogue between the student and the faculty. It opens the space for the student to explore his/her role (value) in all aspects of living – as an individual, as a member of a family, as a part of the society and as a unit in nature. The course and its vision of inculcating the universal human values paves the way for self-exploration and greater understanding and coherence of the universality of human existence. Through this process of self-exploration, students can discover the values intrinsic in them.

It gets the students to explore themselves and allows them to experience the joy of learning, stand up to peer pressure, take decisions with courage, be aware of relationships with colleagues and supporting staff in the hostel and department,  being sensitive to others, etc. This is the core or foundation module of the Student Induction Program (SIP). It is meant to draw attention of the student to broader issues of life and augment the development of their understanding or perspective about life holistically, in all its dimensions. After all, it is the understanding which is at the base of deciding what is valuable in life, what are one’s values. In turn, these values decide one’s behavior and work; and therefore, the quality of their life. Hence, the course covers aspects of life ranging from the individual to the society, it sheds light on the different kinds of interpersonal relationships and delves into the intricacies of human ambition and the role we play as part of nature and it also reminds us that through all our aspirations and the efforts we make to fulfil them, one thing that holds great importance throughout is our health.

The detailed objectives of the UHV module (UHV-I) are as follows:

  • To help the student to see the need for developing a holistic perspective of life.
  • To sensitise the student about the scope of life – individual, family (inter-personal relationship), society and nature/existence.
  • Strengthening self-reflection.
  • To develop more confidence and commitment to understand, learn and act accordingly.

UHV I Course Content:

  • Session 1: Welcome and Introductions-Getting to know each other (Self exploration)
  • Session 2 & 3: Aspirations and Concerns - Individual academic, career, Expectations of family, peers, society, nation, fixing one’s goals (Basic human aspirations, Need for a holistic perspective, Role of UHV)
  • Session 4 & 5: Self-management - Self-confidence, peer pressure, time management, anger, Stress. Personality development, self-improvement (Harmony in the human being)
  • Session 6 & 7: Health - Health issues, healthy diet, healthy lifestyle Hostel life (Harmony of the self and Body, Mental and Physical health)
  • Session 8, 9, 10 & 11: Relationships - Home sickness, gratitude towards parents, teachers and others, Ragging and interaction, Competition and cooperation, Peer pressure (Harmony in relationship, Feelings of trust, respect, gratitude, glory, love)
  • Session 12: Society – Participation in Society (Harmony in the society)
  • Session 13: Natural Environment: Participation in nature (Harmony in nature/existence)
  • Session 14: Sum up: Review role of Education – Need for holistic perspective (Information about UHV II Course, mentoring)
  • Session 15: Self-evaluation and closure – feedback


  • A self-reflective methodology of teaching is adopted. It facilitates understanding through self-exploration. The dialogue starts between the faculty and the student.
  • It opens the space for the student to explore his/her role (value) in all aspects of living– as an individual, as a member of a family, as a part of the society and as a unit in nature.

For details on the content, methodology, process and how to teach this module, please refer to:

SIP Module 2: Physical Health and Related Activities 51 hours

This module is intended to help understand the basic principles to remain healthy and fit and practice them through a healthy routine which includes exercise, games etc. Physical activities will help students remain healthy and build strong bones and muscles, control weight, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Objectives of this module are as follows:

  • To understand the basic principles to remain healthy and fit
  • to practice them through exercise, games etc.
  • Involving health center, staff, sports coaches, faculty, staff, students sports team etc.

This is a good place to have bonding and develop relationship with the students and gives us a chance to come closer to them as a friend first and as a mentor later. While playing (and also times before and after the game), we may associate with them and exchange the ideas with each other during normal talks. It is easy to familiarize with students through these activities. This must include understanding and practice of a healthy life-style including intake, daily routine, physical work etc.

This also gives an opportunity to participate meaningfully for those who otherwise are not able to contribute at other places.

Type of games- involving team, no-competition game, inducing integrity and social


Physical exercise- regulation of breathing, regulation of parts of the body.

Physical work- as exercise as well as production- kitchen garden, plantation. These activities will also help them get connected with the farmers and other producers, feel their real-life difficulties and challenges. Once you do something by your own hand, it gives you a firsthand exposure and help to see the details and complicacy involved in the process.

Understanding and practice of a healthy life-style becomes Sanskar of the students forever. This helps them to participate and contribute meaningfully in all those areas which were untouched to them. Games inculcate the values of integrity, nationality and complementarity along with the excellence.


  • Health counselling
  • Khel
  • Aerobics
  • Sports
  • Yoga
  • Involving health center staff, sports coaches, faculty, staff, student sports teams etc.

SIP Module 3: Familiarization of Institute, Department/Branch, and Innovation 06 hours

This module is for introducing and relating the student to the Institution / department / branch; how it plays a role in the development of the society, the state, region, nation and the world at large and how students can participate in it. Trust is necessary for any relation to function, knowing about the institute helps build it between the institute and the students. It is when the students trust the college, will they be able to give their best during their time here without worry. Guest lectures by prominent personalities and alumni will help the students in understanding what’s ahead in their time at college. It is absolutely necessary for students to be familiar with their department/branch before the start of proper academic sessions. They need to be made understood how the department plays a role in the world’s development and the opportunities it offers to the students.

Objectives of this module are as follows:

  • To get a broad perspective about goals of institution, department/branch in the context of the world, the nation, the state and region.
  • To get an idea of how the institution operates to fulfill its goals through various disciplines of education, research, development and practice.
  • To get an idea of how students can connect /participate in it Familiarization of department/ branch and college must include proper explanation of the vision and mission of the institute which must focus on the responsibility of the institute for the society and nation.
  • Defining Larger goal of the institutions- must be defined in the following sequence- First, overall aim of the society and nation, then aim of education, aim of this category of institution (say Technical) and finally this particular institution.
  • Details of how it is planned to achieve the above goal through different disciplines of education, research, development and practice, should be clearly mentioned.
  • Students should be properly introduced to these and asked to relate to it and see how they can contribute in this plan- above details, achievement to this date, and contribution to the society.

It also be explained clearly that how this social commitment can be achieved through education and training and how each department are playing their role in this regard, how a student can be part of the same to achieve the goal, mission and vision of the institute, participate in larger order, ensure connectedness with institute, achievement till date, future plans of the institute etc.

This can be done by lectures on what the course entails, how it affects the real world, opportunities of research and how the students can contribute. The lectures need to focus on the student’s commitment to the further the societal progress by taking part actively in the academic undertaking. The achievements till date of the department/institute can be shown to the students so as to give them a practical view on what has been accomplished. The students can be informed on what the institute is currently working on.

SIP Module 4: Visit to a Local Area 10 hours

For a student to relate to the social environment of the educational institution as well as the surroundings, a place wherein their most significant years students will scribble some indelible memories, an absolute necessity is generated for city visits to let students understand the environment through interaction with the people, place, history, and politics. This activity may also help the students to understand the local problems further, which will help to increase the innovative thinking for the solution to those problems. Under 'City Visits' villages (to understand how the natives manage their lives: production, lifestyle, housing, relations, education, transfer of skills), monuments of the city and near-by historic places (to let the students blend themselves in the cultural ethnicity and learn about it), old-age-homes/orphanages (to evoke a sense a responsibility towards the society and a feeling of gratitude towards their privileges), renowned people who have contributed significantly towards the society can be visited along with a guide/mentor, so that the knowledge of students gets enhanced. Alongside this, they can, in an informal discussion, present their ideas as to how they may contribute towards society. Organizations serving civilization or doing some charitable work may also be visited or collaborated with to get students to understand their working principles and serve mankind.

SIP Module 5: Lectures by Eminent People 06 hours

Guest lectures are a great way to help the students gain a perspective on many different things in the world. Eminent personalities in different fields of expertise like academics, sports, industry, business etc. can share their story and talk about important subjects like career, entrepreneurship, government policies, technology etc. Their stories will act as inspiration for the students embarking on a new phase in life. From these lectures, students will also be able to make note of valuable advice from the experienced persons and apply it in their life. They can know more about many fields and learn more about what interests them on an individual level and make progress in that field. Ensure that the invited guest speakers belong to a diverse set of fields for more diversity in thoughts and experiences.

SIP Module 6: Proficiency Modules 06 hours

This module is to help fill the gaps in basic competency required for further inputs to be absorbed. It includes efforts to make the student proficient in interpersonal communication and expression. This period can be used to overcome the deficiencies in some important skillsets that the students may have. For example English, Computer proficiency, Hindi, Communication skills, etc.

The students admitted to the college are from diverse backgrounds and can’t be expected to have had the same learning opportunities in the past. The medium of instruction in the college would be in English and those who aren’t comfortable with it would face difficulty in understanding the classes. Further, this could even lead to failing the course, prevent them from actively communicating and taking part in discussions, etc.

Students can be given three or four options to choose from based on their needs. Those who wish to learn Basic English can be encouraged to speak more. Students can be divided into small groups and discussions can be held. This would also help in mingling with fellow students. General guidelines can be given for  improving/learning

English in the long run. Movies/videos can be shown, students can be encouraged to write, made to read the newspaper, talk about their experiences, etc. It should be made very clear to them that there is nothing wrong with talking in broken English or making mistakes. Provide an interactive environment and help them build up confidence.

There could be students from non-Hindi speaking regions having trouble understanding Hindi. They could be given supports on similar grounds. This will help ease the adapting process into the new environment.

Similarly, students can be introduced to Indian epics/dramas, world classics, etc. and made to discuss their relevance, get a glimpse of our traditional values and culture.

SIP Module 7: Literature/Literary Activities 30 hours

Through the exposure of local, national, and international literature, this module is aimed at helping the student learn about traditional as well as contemporary values and thought. To develop the clarity of humanistic culture and its expression through literature, students may be exposed to local, regional, national, or international literature. It will help them in understanding traditional and contemporary values and thought.

The available literature certainly includes our traditional literature in Hindi and Sanskrit. This will help them know our values and ways of thinking. They may be asked to read and prepare a summary of it, which will be useful for future generations and also help in reviving the Sanskrit language and its epics. This may be connected to machine translation of Indian languages, particularly the important literature available in Indian languages.

Introduction to work on science- Mathematics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Technology metallurgy, Systems of medicine- Ayurveda, Architecture, Agriculture, Language including grammar, Indian epics Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc., along with its knowledge base- Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Brahma-sutra; Systems of Philosophy (Darshanas)- 6 systems of Vedic darshans, Buddhism, Jainism, etc. Three kinds of documents will be prepared for literary activities- two pages, ten pages, and a hundred pages. Two and ten-page documents will be of introductory nature and will be asked to be read by all students whereas a hundred-page document will be in some detail and provided to interested students in that particular kind of literature.

SIP Module 8: Creative Practices 49 hours

This module is to help develop the clarity of humanistic culture and its creative, joyful expression. The students can choose one skill related to visual arts or performing arts.

Examples: Painting, sculpture, pottery, music (vocal, instrumental…), dance, drama, literary activities (reading, writing, debating…), etc. They would be pursuing it every day for the duration of the program. A central theme can be given (not necessary) and all the activities can be organized around it. For example: poverty, patriotism, history of the college, technology, etc. Students can learn a dance or song or perform a drama related to this theme. Choosing a relevant theme will help build their character and increase their awareness.

The aim is to create a lively environment, increase the interactions, develop a new skill, and help them appreciate the beauty of non-academic aspects. Small competitions/group works can be organized. Students can be asked to showcase the skills they learned, by the end of this program. The clubs in the college with similar interests can help in conducting this. People or groups who are well established in this field can be invited and workshops can be conducted. Students may be asked to find creative solutions to the current problems faced by those working in these areas.

SIP Module 9: Extra Curricular Activities 06 hours

This is a category under which things that are not placed in any of the above may be placed. This has suggestions for sessions or activities that can be conducted like some clubs and hobby group may be made for each of the above categories, so that students may pursue them even after SIP.

Anti-Ragging Briefing: With the advent of college years for students, fear of ragging creeps inside them. With a picture of ragging borrowed from the cinema in their minds, they enter the premises, and hence it becomes essential to introduce them to the rules of the institution against ragging. Many students are away from their homes for the first time, and it is the responsibility of the institute to make them feel welcomed and safe within the boundaries of the institute Both formal and informal sessions can be organized informing the entrants about the anti-ragging policies of the institution, along with answering some principal questions like, "What comes under ragging?", "Whom to approach if you witness ragging?", etc.

Wellness Sessions: In this ever-growing competitive world, statistics of mental issues like depression and anxiety are overwhelming, and yet people choose to overlook these issues. "Mental awareness/wellness sessions" provide an answer to this ignorance. The institute can have tie-ups with mental wellness organizations that, in-return, can send in their professionals to deliver lectures on mental health and its importance. Informal sessions by specialists can be organized involving fun yet, affective activities (self-control activities, music therapy activities, discussion activities, or relaxation activities like games to release stress and have a bonding with the peers) to maintain a healthy state of mind. Because of the stigma around mental health, the information of the student approaching for help shall be confidential, and a team of students themselves can be set up to hear out issues of their juniors and help them out professionally.

Informal Interactions: A fresher, oblivious to the college culture and environment, requires informal interactions with seniors to clear their queries regarding the workload of the branches, different clubs, excelling in exams, opportunities provided by the institute to pursue their interests, and maybe even professors. Seniors, accompanied by faculty members, should visit the hostels of freshers postdinner to make them feel welcomed and comfortable. Seniors accordingly may choose to sit in the corridors or grounds to share their experiences of their freshmen year and to answer the questions raised by the freshers. Faculties shall be roaming through the hostels to ensure no cases ragging take place. Occasionally refreshments could be taken by the faculties to bond and interact with the freshers. The faculty members shall make sure that all the seniors are out of the freshers' hostels at the end of these sessions.

Club/Council/Committee Briefings: Clubs/Council/Committee are a vital part of a college’s ecosystem and it is thus imperative that students are well briefed regarding them. The details of the briefing will vary from college to college, but the brief outline has been described here, along with the reasons that make such a briefing essential. It would be advisable to have the Secretaries/Presidents and other position holders draft a welcome address for the new entrants. This should serve as an advertisement for the club’s activities, scope and culture. A member of the Debate Club, for example, should go through an analysis of why learning how to debate is a useful/interesting skill and how the club members would help the new entrant learn and develop these skills. Similarly, a member of the Design Club could have the club members showcase their skills through a quick extempore portrait creation. This would be quite engaging and entertaining for the spectators. If there are any committees which are not student-run, the people in charge could take it upon themselves to organize this presentation for the students. The main objective would be to ultimately ensure that every student goes into the academic year with a very strong basic idea of what to expect from a club and whom he or she could contact in order to have a better idea of what to do.

Intra Fresher Competitions: Care must be taken to have as relaxed a schedule as possible so that any student can freely participate in as many events as possible without having to pick and choose between different interests. One suggestion would be to introduce a points system and have a competition among different branches on the basis of that. The ones who end up on the podium in a particular event will contribute a certain number of points to their branch and will get some personal rewards as well. Broadly speaking, there could be three categories of competitions held: Cultural, Technical and Sports. For example under Cultural, activities like Debate, Dance, Singing, etc. can be conducted.


Students should be asked to give their program feedback. A formal written or online anonymous feedback should be collected at the end of the program. The feedback should be used to make any correction, if any.
