About Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The primary aim of IQAC is

  • To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
  • To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices
  • Strategies
  • Functions
  • Benefits
  • Coordinator
  • Our Team
  • Certificate & Best Practices
  • Meetings
  • AQAR Reports
  • Feedback
  • Contact
  • Stakeholder Feedback


IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for

  •   Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
  •   The relevance and quality of academic and research programmes.
  •   Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society.
  •   Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.
  •   The credibility of evaluation procedures.
  •   Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services.
  •   Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.




Our Team

Certificate & Best Practices


AQAR Reports




Student Satisfaction Survey

Classrooms and Laboratories

AUDIT Reports

Stakeholders Feedback

Quality Policy

AITS is committed to achieve excellence in Teaching, Research and Consultancy


By Imparting truly Global Focused Education.

By Creating World Class Professionals.

By Establishing Synergic Relationships with Research hub and Society

By Developing State-of-art-Infrastructure and Well Endowed Faculty

By Imparting Knowledge Through Team Work and Incessant Effort

The National Assessment and Accreditation Council advocate the establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) by all the accredited institutions as a post accreditation quality sustenance activity. After the first assessment, where in the college was accredited at the B level & Intuitional score of 70%. IQAC was established on 18-01-2012. Norms and guidelines of NAAC were followed while constituting the IQAC. It consists of representative of all stake holders as its members. The Dean Academcis & Examinations is the Chairperson of IQAC, while a senior Professor is a coordinator. Teachers, expert members and representative of all stake holders are its members.

The primary aim of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution. With the following mission the IQAC of Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences (Autonomous) started functioning:

Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activates of the institution. Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education. Organization of workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotions of quality circles. Documentation of the various programme/activities leading to quality improvement. One of the most important works of the IQAC is also the consistent preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to NAAC based on various quality parameters.